The use of art making and creative expression in group programs can result in participants experiencing many benefits known to enhance well- being. (Postiloff Fisher, 1995) Benifits include:
opportunity for creative expression and exploration
try out new skills
sharing and peer collaboration
being with others who have similar experiences
social engagement - developing relationships
being part of something outside of self
can reduce the sense of over-whelm or fear or disbelief in an individual’s world
re-connection with others, previously lacking or lost.
potential of engaging isolated people who typically ‘don’t join in’
opportunity for people to be part of the experience through 'passive participation'
learning through a supportive, postivie platform
sense of being heard/seen by another and conversely hearing/seeing others. ‘Sharing of my story’. The experience of being witnessed by a group can be very powerful boost for the sense of self
Drawing my experiences coordinating , designing and facilitating TEQSA registered programs, special interest group activities and community programs, I deliver evidence based, person-centred programs designed to meet the needs of the participanting groups.
My therapeutic groups don't always involve 'painting and drawing'. The focus is on themes and desired outcomes, so programs are designed around these needs..
If you or your organisation are considering a group-work program email Sandra at : [email protected] or click here to make an appointment, so we can arrange to discuss your needs further.